Movie Review: Smokin’ Aces (2006)

4.25/5 Reviewed March 17, 2022 Balls-to-the-walls action romp about a mob turncoat hunted by a plethora of colorful and chaotic assassins, while FBI agents attempt to bring him in alive. It’s…way better than the ratings give it. The cast is all-star levels, many of them cast before they had their bigger breakouts later. The setupsContinue reading “Movie Review: Smokin’ Aces (2006)”

Movie Review: Grandma’s Boy (2006)

3.75/5 Reviewed February 12, 2019 Made by the Happy Madison gang minus Adam Sandler, this comedy features most of the “bit” actors for their films, as well as a young Jonah Hill. A older stoner professional video game tester ends up evicted from his apartment and moves in with his adorable grandmother and her wildContinue reading “Movie Review: Grandma’s Boy (2006)”

Movie Review: Slither (2006)

4.5/5 Reviewed February 1, 2019 Slither is a 2006 horror/comedy written and directed by a name you might have heard of: James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy). Starring the fantastic Nathan Fillion and Michael Rooker (and a solid performance from Elizabeth Banks), this is the story of a small town that is taken over byContinue reading “Movie Review: Slither (2006)”

Movie Review: Inside Man (2006)

3.75/5 Reviewed August 21, 2016 Denzel Washington, Jodie Foster, and Clive Owen in a solid heist movie with an ok mystery premise. Not going to go too far into this one; it’s entertaining if you’re into crime/heist movies, and nothing is horribly shocking and the acting is just “ok.” Best thing to say about itContinue reading “Movie Review: Inside Man (2006)”

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