Movie Review: Fargo (1996)

4.5/5 Reviewed October 17, 2022 One of the earliest Coen brothers movies is a dark crime drama about a salesman who hires thugs to kidnap his wife; things go south, and an unassuming pregnant police chief starts working the case. It’s…pretty dang good, having been nominated for SEVEN Oscars and winning two (Best Actress, BestContinue reading “Movie Review: Fargo (1996)”

Movie Review: The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)

3.75/5 Reviewed August 25, 2021 Around the turn of the 20th century, Colonel Patterson is dispatched to build a bridge in Kenya as the British attempt to gain control over Africa before other European powers. However, he and his crew run into two vicious, man-eating lions that kill and terrorize the workers and staff, andContinue reading “Movie Review: The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)”

Movie Review: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)

3.25/5 Reviewed December 21, 2020 Disney’s animated version of the classic story shows us the life of Quasimodo, the deformed keeper of the bells of Notre Dame, as he finally ventures out of the cathedral and sets events in motion that lead to a brutal confrontation with his “master,” the evil Judge Frollo. It’s anContinue reading “Movie Review: The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)”

Movie Review: The Quest (1996)

Reviewed February 3, 2019 I really enjoy cheesy 80s and 90s fighting movies, especially those starring the Muscles from Brussels, Jean-Claude Van Damme. This one holds a particularly high place for me, for a few reasons. The story is that an American street hustler ends up shanghai’d on a boat, ends up learning Muy ThaiContinue reading “Movie Review: The Quest (1996)”

Movie Review: The Cable Guy (1996)

3.75/5 Reviewed October 6, 2018 This movie came out in the wrong time period, much like a few others of the mid 90s. Jim Carrey and Matthew Broderick, in their primes, co-star in this flick about an obsessive cable repairman trying to make friends with a customer, but things go off the rails. This movieContinue reading “Movie Review: The Cable Guy (1996)”

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