Movie Review: The Good Dinosaur (2015)

Reviewed January 29, 2022 Pixar released a western-themed dinosaur movie in 2015…which was immediately overshadowed by their other release…Inside Out, a phenomenon. The production was especially long and highly troubled for a Pixar film (six years and many changes in cast/crew and writing, even the villains), which also led to lower marketing and generally mixedContinue reading “Movie Review: The Good Dinosaur (2015)”

Movie Review: Ricochet (1991)

3.5/5 Reviewed January 28, 2022 What if I told you the director of Highlander teamed up with the writer of Die Hard/Commando and got a score from Alan Silvestri (a bajillion things, but relatively fresh off of Predator and Back to the Future) and made a crime revenge thriller starring a young Denzel Washington, JohnContinue reading “Movie Review: Ricochet (1991)”

Movie Review: Guns Akimbo (2019)

Reviewed January 28, 2022 *Disclaimer: this movie is absolutely bonkers, with ultraviolence and gore and a manic pace. My 4 is because it hit all the right boxes of insanity for me to enjoy the style.* Daniel Radcliffe embraced the weird after Harry Potter ended, and this is another in a series of wild filmsContinue reading “Movie Review: Guns Akimbo (2019)”

Movie Review: The Muppet Movie (1979)

3.5/5 Reviewed January 27, 2022 The classic family adventure that brought the ridiculous Muppets comedy show to theaters, this is the story of Kermit going to Hollywood to make it big, picking up his cast of zany friends and learning life lessons along the way. It’s a film made by people who loved art forContinue reading “Movie Review: The Muppet Movie (1979)”

Movie Review: Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)

Reviewed January 21, 2022 A period war piece about a Napoleonic-War era British ship pursuing a crafty and better equipped French one from the South Atlantic to the Pacific, and the drama of its crew. It’s first and foremost a war drama in the vein of Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers, with plentyContinue reading “Movie Review: Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)”

Movie Review: Annihilation (2018)

2.25/5 Reviewed January 21, 2022 Beautiful, tense avant garde style film with major flaws that ruin the otherwise brilliant experience. Sci-fi horror with incredible visuals, this is the story of a team of scientists venturing into an area contaminated by an alien life form, mutating everything inside it. It has some interesting ideas, for sure,Continue reading “Movie Review: Annihilation (2018)”

Movie Review: Ocean’s 8 (2018)

3.25/5 Reviewed January 20, 2022 Spin-off of the George Clooney-led Ocean’s heist remakes, this one follows Danny’s sister Debbie as she assembles a crew and plans to steal jewels from the MET Gala. It’s…ok. Lacks the chaotic energy of the Clooney trilogy and the plot seems a lot more simplistic, but it’s still entertaining toContinue reading “Movie Review: Ocean’s 8 (2018)”

Movie Review: Don’t Look Up (2021)

4.25/5 Reviewed January 5, 2021 Adam McKay’s latest film is a scathing satire of…well, most of society. Two university scientists discover a life-ending comet headed right towards earth, and the government and media at large…just dismiss it, so they struggle to make people realize the danger the world is in. It’s a metaphor for GlobalContinue reading “Movie Review: Don’t Look Up (2021)”

Movie Review: Encanto (2021)

Reviewed January 2, 2022 Disney’s latest animated flick features a large Colombian family where magical gifts are bestowed amongst the members by the magical house they live in. However, one child, Mirabel, was not given a gift, and strife occurs. It’s a bright, colorful musical with solid songs (but highly unusual styles for Disney), aContinue reading “Movie Review: Encanto (2021)”

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