Movie Review: The Legend of Zorro (2005)

3.25/5 Reviewed November 25, 2021 The sequel to the solid Mask of Zorro, this one is an entertaining western adventure taking place 10 years after the original. Antonio Banderas returns as Zorro, now a family man fighting a corrupt French count who has taken his love, all on the eve of California’s statehood. It’s aContinue reading “Movie Review: The Legend of Zorro (2005)”

Movie Review: Logan’s Run (1976)

2.75/5 Reviewed November 24, 2021 Sci-fi film from the legendary 70s runs of dystopia and space science fiction (seriously, look up like 1974-1981 in sci-fi film). Logan lives in a sealed city where nobody is allowed to live beyond 30; he plays a major part in that, catching “runners” who try to escape their fate.Continue reading “Movie Review: Logan’s Run (1976)”

Movie Review: Red Notice (2021)

3.25/5 Reviewed November 22, 2021 Heist flick with serious top-heavy star power, as the Rock, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds play an odd trio fighting each other to steal the three gilded eggs of Cleopatra. It’s definitely a popcorn flick, with easily predictable twists and pretty empty characters, but plenty of fun given those three.Continue reading “Movie Review: Red Notice (2021)”

Movie Review: Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)

4.5/5 Reviewed November 20, 2021 In reality it’s probably more like 3.75 but it’s my system and this movie did exactly what I wanted it to, and that counts for a boost. Ghostbusters 3 (it continues where 2 left off, sort of) is about Egon’s abandoned family moving out to the place of his death,Continue reading “Movie Review: Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)”

Movie Review: Eternals (2021)

3.75/5 Reviewed November 14, 2021 Chloe Zhao’s more experimental superhero drama features the ten Eternals, a group sent by Celestials to safeguard earth – but not interfere in its development – as dire events signal the end of the world. It’s been highly divisive, and I get that. I enjoyed it, but it’s definitely inContinue reading “Movie Review: Eternals (2021)”

Movie Review: Dune (2021)

3.5/5 Reviewed November 14, 2021 *disclaimer: I’ve never read the books and I’ve seen the 80s David Lynch version, but many years ago and thus only somewhat remembered it. From what I’ve read, the book-readers are mostly very pro this version, and people who have not read the books are mostly meh about the film.Continue reading “Movie Review: Dune (2021)”

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