Movie Review: Hellboy (2019)

Reviewed September 28, 2020 The Hellboy reboot starring David Harbour features Hellboy and a new group of characters taking on an ancient, immortal witch trying to bring the end of humanity. It’s far darker and gorier than the original Del Toro films, but is truer to the source material in those respects. It’s definitely notContinue reading “Movie Review: Hellboy (2019)”

Movie Review: Pompeii (2014)

Reviewed September 27, 2020 Popcorn disaster flick about a Celtic gladiator caught up in romance and revenge during the famous 79AD eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. Short on substance but chock full of mindless thrill, the grade is because I genuinely enjoyed various aspects; however, this is definitely a “watch it once and you don’t needContinue reading “Movie Review: Pompeii (2014)”

Movie Review: Bloodshot (2020)

2.75/5 Reviewed September 24, 2020 Vin Diesel “superhero” flick (based on Valient Comics) about a soldier brought back from the dead by a tech corporation to avenge his wife’s murder. He’s given nanites that rebuild any damage to his body and make him superhuman, and all sorts of action hijinks happen. It’s…passable, with a tonContinue reading “Movie Review: Bloodshot (2020)”

Movie Review: Sully (2016)

Reviewed September 3, 2020 Biopic about the events of the January 15, 2009 water landing on the Hudson river by a jet airliner, this film digs into the human aspects of what should have been a tragedy, but ends up as a “miracle on the Hudson”. Directed by Clint Eastwood (who has made a livingContinue reading “Movie Review: Sully (2016)”

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