Movie Review: Atlantis: Milo’s Return (2003)


Reviewed July 9, 2020

Disclaimer, this score is mainly because this is not a movie, this is three pilots of a potential TV show that got thrown together to make a film. even then, it’s still more competent as a film than many films I’ve seen.

Disney, as they are wont to do, tried adapting a property into an animated TV show, where the gang from Atlantis (with a recast Milo and Cookie, but one of those actors was $$ and the other unfortunately died) went around to various locations, uncovering mysteries involving Atlantean tech fallen into the wrong hands. Unfortunately things didn’t pan out that way. But…if this was a TV show I would have watched the heck out of it. Each episode, although brief, was very competently done in its own bubble, minus technical issues that seemed to stem from it being thrown together. The fun voice cast, interesting personalities, and distinct group humor still shine through. The animation is a lot more sitcom-esqe but works just fine. Got major Gargoyles meets Scooby-Doo vibes, which is definitely a good thing. Don’t forget, the geologist, while very strange, is one of the heroes, so this is a win.


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