Movie Review: Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Reviewed April 29, 2019 Marvel’s heroes have to deal with life after the events of Infinity War. Stuff happens. I absolutely loved it. Tons and tons of fan-service, which, considering this is basically a $1B victory lap, yeah, they can do that. I nearly cried multiple times, and many I know did open those tearContinue reading “Movie Review: Avengers: Endgame (2019)”

Movie Review: Shazam (2019)

4.5/5 Reviewed April 20, 2019 Strong opinion: DC’s best movie to date, just edging Wonder Woman. Shazam is the story of an orphan who winds up with assorted superpowers granted to him by a dying wizard; the kid proceeds to do what any normal kid would do with insane powers: abuse the heck out ofContinue reading “Movie Review: Shazam (2019)”

Movie Review: Missing Link (2019)

3.5/5 Reviewed April 17, 2019 Laika just makes good films. While this is probably their weakest effort to date, it’s still a highly enjoyable and wholesome piece about a selfish adventurer who sets out to help a talking Sasquatch travel the globe to find the rest of his species, picking up the determined adventurer Adelina,Continue reading “Movie Review: Missing Link (2019)”

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