Movie Review: Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018)

Reviewed December 25, 2018 I have a soft spot for animated Batman movies, going all the way back to the criminally underrated Mask of the Phantasm. In an alternate timeline, Victorian Age Gotham City is beset by the murderous Jack the Ripper, and the only people that can save it are Batman and Catwoman. IContinue reading “Movie Review: Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018)”

Movie Review: Aquaman (2018)

3.5/5 Reviewed December 23, 2018 This is an odd superhero film. The plot is all over the place, the tone shifts constantly…and yet it’s really, really fun. Aquaman has to fetch a magic trident to stop his half-brother from leading Atlantis to war with the surface world, and shenanigans ensue. It joins Wonder Woman asContinue reading “Movie Review: Aquaman (2018)”

Movie Review: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

4.75/5 Reviewed December 18, 2018 …Amazing, animated Spider-Man film, where an experiment gone wrong brings together various Spider-people from multiple alternate dimensions, all while Miles Morales struggles to take on the role of Spider-Man. Just…fantastic. Fresh, deep, heart-felt, and featuring some of the best animation I’ve ever seen, this movie might be one of theContinue reading “Movie Review: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)”

Movie Review: Mortal Engines (2018)

3.5/5 *Edit: Probably more like 2.75/5 modern* Reviewed December 14, 2018 The next attempt at a young adult franchise based on books, this one seems to be a divisive flick; I personally greatly enjoyed it, but a lot of critics dislike it and it’s got mixed reviews. A thousand years after civilization destroyed itself, citiesContinue reading “Movie Review: Mortal Engines (2018)”

Movie Review: Robin Hood (2018)

2.5/5 Reviewed December 14, 2018 This is a movie nobody asked for, with a storyline that continues the recent trend of historical fiction with advanced gadgets well beyond their actual time, modern military tactics, and over-the-top insane action set-pieces that has been seen in a plethora of films in the last decade (most recently theContinue reading “Movie Review: Robin Hood (2018)”

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