Movie Review: Horrible Bosses (2011)

2.75/5 April 26, 2018 Three working stiff buddies (Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman) have awful bosses (coked up douche Colin Ferrell, blackmailer/vindictive/credit-taker Kevin Spacey, and sexual harassment dentist Jennifer Aniston) and decide to murder them for the greater good. They are, of course, incompetent, and plenty of comedy shenanigans follow. To me, it hadContinue reading “Movie Review: Horrible Bosses (2011)”

Movie Review: Leap! (2016)

Reviewed April 22, 2018 Family-oriented animated movie about two orphans in 1880s France who escape to Paris and try to build their dreams; Felicie wants to be a ballerina, and Victor, a famous inventor. It plays out about how you’d expect, with struggles adapting to city life, kindly teachers, hilariously petty/evil villains keeping them down,Continue reading “Movie Review: Leap! (2016)”

Movie Review: Super Troopers 2 (2018)

Reviewed April 20, 2018 Seventeen years after the original was released and quickly became a cult classic, the Broken Lizard guys, after crowd-sourcing the costs, released the sequel. The old crew gets together to patrol an area of Canada that is actually part of the USA, and they’re a temporary force to help with theContinue reading “Movie Review: Super Troopers 2 (2018)”

Movie Review: Rampage (2018)

3.25/5 Reviewed April 13, 2018 Popcorn action flick based off the popular old arcade series, which features three giant monsters attacking major cities. It was…reasonably well done, considering the source material. Full of action, good lead actors (The Rock, Naomi Harris, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are all having fun), and a significantly higher body countContinue reading “Movie Review: Rampage (2018)”

Movie Review: Justice League (2017)

Reviewed April 11, 2018 Better than the incredible train wreck that was Batman V Superman, but almost anything ever released is better than that film. Batman and Wonder Woman go on a quest to unite a bunch of super-powered people to fight one of the worst villains in comic book movie history, and they alsoContinue reading “Movie Review: Justice League (2017)”

Movie Review: Ready Player One (2018)

3.5/5 Reviewed April 1, 2018 I have not read the source material, and only today researched why there was controversy around it (oh hi Gamergate). Premise is this: It’s the future, the world kind of sucks and there’s not much to live for, and so everyone escapes to a virtual world (The Oasis) where youContinue reading “Movie Review: Ready Player One (2018)”

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