Movie Review: Marauders (2016)

2.5/5 Reviewed March 29, 2018 Bruce Willis, Christopher Meloni (Law and Order), Dave Bautista, and Adrian Grenier (that dude from Entourage) star in a better-than-expected heist/revenge film. Interesting heist innovations with a re-used plot (rich banker has secrets, bank robbers exposing them while FBI closes in), some solid acting from the leads minus big DaveContinue reading “Movie Review: Marauders (2016)”

Movie Review: Atomic Blonde (2017)

3.25/5 *Edit: Modern score is probably 4/5* Reviewed March 26, 2018 Spy thriller/action romp set right as the Berlin Wall is falling. British agent and sexy spy Lorraine (Charlize Theron) is sent to an on-edge Berlin to help other British spy Percival (James McAvoy) bring back a defector/list of all the double agents in Europe.Continue reading “Movie Review: Atomic Blonde (2017)”

Movie Review: Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)

*Edit: Probably more like 3.5/5 after the adrenaline wore off* Reviewed March 22, 2018 GIANT ROBOTS VS GIANT MONSTERS AND OTHER GIANT ROBOTS YES! With that out of the way, this was as enjoyable as the original, but in a different way for me. It felt like a much more complete film than the original,Continue reading “Movie Review: Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018)”

Movie Review: Captain Ron (1992)

2.5/5 Reviewed March 22, 2018 A 90s movie that is really a 1980s family adventure movie. Pretty standard fare for the time: Corporate flunky (Martin Short) and his family (cute wife, rebellious teen daughter, spunky young son) inherit a boat (insert house, property of some kind, vehicle depending on 80s movie) that requires them toContinue reading “Movie Review: Captain Ron (1992)”

Movie Review: Tomb Raider (2018)

2.5/5 Reviewed March 15, 2018 Pierce Brosnan vs Daniel Craig James Bond films. That’s basically how the comparison between the older, Angelina Jolie-led films and this one went. This video game movie franchise reboot stars a younger, much grittier Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander) as she tracks down the mystery her missing father left behind, involving,Continue reading “Movie Review: Tomb Raider (2018)”

Movie Review: Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)

3.5/5 Reviewed March 4, 2018 Rom-Com starring a ton of great comedians/famous actors about a lazy composer (Jason Segel) who is dumped by his long-time actress girlfriend (Kristen Bell) for rock superstar Aldis (Russell Brand), and ends up trying to shake off the malaise by flying to a resort in Hawaii that his ex wouldContinue reading “Movie Review: Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)”

Movie Review: The Emoji Movie (2017)

1.5/5 Reviewed March 4, 2018 Well that’s a thing. The Meh emoji (TJ Miller) ends up having a range of emotions and the happy emoji wants to delete him and the high-five gets caught up in it cause it’s actually James Cordon being absurd and then they run into Chris Pratt’s ex who’s a hackerContinue reading “Movie Review: The Emoji Movie (2017)”

Movie Review: Death Wish (2018)

3.25/5 Reviewed March 2, 2018 Remake of a classic action-revenge flick originally starring Charles Bronson, this Bruce Willis-led action-revenge flick is basically an updated version. Dr. Willis has his family attacked and he wasn’t there to defend them (nor did they have guns) so he becomes a vigilante in a hoody, taking to the streetsContinue reading “Movie Review: Death Wish (2018)”

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