Movie Review: Assassin’s Creed (2016)

Reviewed February 25, 2018 Movies based on video games have a horrific record when being adapted for the big screen; nearly every one has been awful (some exceptions like Resident Evil give people hope). AssCreed follows in those underwhelming footsteps, with a fantastic idea and cast and an amateur’s execution. No Bueno. The Bad: TheContinue reading “Movie Review: Assassin’s Creed (2016)”

Movie Review: Mechanic: Resurrection (2016)

Reviewed February 22, 2018 Jason Statham returns in this sequel to a pretty solid action romp to….kill more people and make it look like an accident, while not actually doing that second part very well due to plenty of witnesses. It co-stars Jessica Alba (yay she’s still making movies) as the I-just-met-you-but-we’re-in-love damsel in distressContinue reading “Movie Review: Mechanic: Resurrection (2016)”

Movie Review: Bushwick (2017)

Reviewed February 21, 2018 Trashy action thriller on Netflix, which chronicles a grad student (Brittany Snow) and a shell-shocked former marine (Dave Bautista) as they try to survive a militant invasion of a New York City suburb. This is one of those movie that has aspects that are really fun and aspects that are justContinue reading “Movie Review: Bushwick (2017)”

Movie Review: The Giver (2014)

2.5/5 Reviewed February 19, 2018 Adaptation of the popular young adult dystopian novel about a society where everyone is the same, and all memories are kept by one person (the giver), who passes them on once in a generation to a new “receiver”. Jeff Bridges is the Giver, Brenton Thwaites is the receiver, and MerylContinue reading “Movie Review: The Giver (2014)”

Movie Review: Gold (2016)

Reviewed February 18, 2018 Under-the-radar drama about a broke prospector (Matthew McConaughey as an ugly/overweight and balding guy) that strikes it rich with a charming geologist (very suavely played by Edgar Ramirez); they find a gold strike deep in the Indonesian jungle and weather the 1980s corporate world. It’s basically Wolf of Wall Street butContinue reading “Movie Review: Gold (2016)”

Movie Review: Black Panther (2018)

Reviewed February 17, 2018 Best Marvel movie since Guardians of the Galaxy, and highly unlike anything else they’ve put out so far. See this, although you were probably already planning on it if you’re reading this. Many, many things to discuss. The Bad: Ignoble death for a very, very likeable villain in Klaue. I getContinue reading “Movie Review: Black Panther (2018)”

Movie Review: The Jungle Book (2016)

3.75/5 Reviewed February 14, 2018 Disney made a live action adaptation of its famous animated classic, The Jungle Book, complete with a big-name cast and some great action set pieces. It did pretty well at the box office and generated some major buzz. However, that was 1994 and it’s entirely possible you’ve never even heardContinue reading “Movie Review: The Jungle Book (2016)”

Movie Review: Absolutely Anything (2015)

1.5/5 Reviewed February 9, 2018 This movie is basically Bruce Almighty starring Simon Pegg and Kate Beckinsale. Aliens give an random human the power to do anything he wants with a wave of his hand, and of course it’s a slacker English teacher who proceeds to muck things up in his attempts to use theContinue reading “Movie Review: Absolutely Anything (2015)”

Movie Review: The Babysitter (2017)

Reviewed February 9, 2018 A Netflix original about a 12-year old nerdy kid, bullied and alone, who has a hot, funny, female babysitter. He decides to stay up one night to see what she does when he’s sleeping, and….things go sideways from there. Horror-Comedy, surprisingly funny, definitely gory, with a surprisingly good cast of unknownsContinue reading “Movie Review: The Babysitter (2017)”

Movie Review: Sunset Blvd (1950)

Reviewed February 9, 2018 Classic Film-Noir, considered one of the best flicks of all time…yep. A struggling Hollywood writer ends up in the mansion and the clutches of a faded, fantastically rich starlet with delusions of grandeur as his life spirals out of control. This is a slow, dark descent into manipulation and madness, withContinue reading “Movie Review: Sunset Blvd (1950)”

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