Movie Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

3.75/5 Reviewed September 30, 2017 When the original Kingsman hit, it felt like it came out of nowhere. A Matthew Vaughn (X-men first class) film that parodied more serious James Bond movies, the humor and action made it a massive success. Fans like myself have wanted the further adventures of Eggsy, Roxy, and the KingsmanContinue reading “Movie Review: Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)”

Movie Review: Inside Out (2011)

1.25/5 Reviewed September 29, 2017 No, not the lovely animated film. This is a WWE production starring Paul Levesque, aka HHH, as a recently released con (in for killing a man in self defense) who immediately gets sucked back into a life of crime by all the horrible humans he left behind. It’s straight upContinue reading “Movie Review: Inside Out (2011)”

Movie Review: IT Chapter 1 (2017)

4.25/5 Reviewed September 20, 2017 Stephen King movies are historically hit or miss. For every Carrie, The Shining, and Misery, there’s a Cat’s Eye, Graveyard Shift, and the Night Flier. IT, all roughly 1200 pages of it, is a classic horror novel involving a shape-shifting monster that feeds off of the fear (and bodies) ofContinue reading “Movie Review: IT Chapter 1 (2017)”

Movie Review: Mulan 2 (2004)

Reviewed September 20, 2017 Part of the insane push of Disney to make horrible sequels to their classics (only Lion King 1 1/2 is good, fight me), this stinker follows the not-yet-married Mulan and Chang as they’re tasked with escorting the Emperor’s three daughters to an arranged marriage (and of course they bring along theContinue reading “Movie Review: Mulan 2 (2004)”

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