Movie Review: Minority Report (2002)

Reviewed January 29, 2017 Movie with an interesting premise: psychics can sense when a murder will happen, and a police force is created with the sole purpose of stopping the murders in advance. Then the head of said division is implicated in a future murder, and things get wild. Some solid “plausible” sci-fi inventions andContinue reading “Movie Review: Minority Report (2002)”

Movie Review: Moana (2016)

4.75/5 Reviewed January 16, 2017 Just a tad late with this one, but i got sick after the big Facebook vote and it was surprisingly still in the theater near me today, so here we are. Also, the theater was FULL of families with little kids and tween girls that wouldn’t get off their cellContinue reading “Movie Review: Moana (2016)”

Movie Review: The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)

3.75/5 Reviewed January 15, 2017 Legal/crime drama, based on a bestselling book. Seedy and wily defense lawyer takes on a client accused of beating and raping a prostitute, and things take multiple twists and turns as the movie goes on. Matthew McConaughey plays the lawyer, and this was the start of his recent Hollywood upswingContinue reading “Movie Review: The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)”

Movie Review: Interstellar (2014)

4.5/5 Reviewed January 13, 2017 Christopher Nolan made a Christopher Nolan movie that was apparently originally designed for Spielberg. With that out of the way: This was one of the best science fiction movies I’ve ever seen. The Bad: Honestly didn’t like the Anne Hathaway character; not her performance, but she had very little toContinue reading “Movie Review: Interstellar (2014)”

Movie Review: Killer Elite (2011)

2.5/5 Reviewed January 11, 2017 Action/espionage thriller starring Jason Statham, a very old looking Robert De Niro, and Clive Owen. Plot involves mercenaries killing former SAS badasses for some secret murders that happened in the Middle East (Based on “true” events the movie says). Pretty decent action, and acting is ok – although De NiroContinue reading “Movie Review: Killer Elite (2011)”

Movie Review: Monsters (2010)

Reviewed January 8, 2017 Gareth Edwards the director has done three films: The recent US Godzilla reboot, Star Wars: Rogue One, and this, his first film. While those two had some established materials to work with (and his most recent has been praised by basically everyone), this one was written and directed by Edwards. TheContinue reading “Movie Review: Monsters (2010)”

Movie Review: Ben-Hur (1959)

Reviewed January 6, 2017 Technically I’ve seen most of this movie before, but to heck with it. This movie is considered one of the best ever made, and for good reason. It’s a 3.5 hour masterpiece of ingenuity and acting. This movie has a premise like Forrest Gump: Man does incredible things and is inContinue reading “Movie Review: Ben-Hur (1959)”

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