Movie Review: Sing (2016)

Reviewed December 24, 2016 Sing is a simple concept with stock characters that…actually is quite fun. Failing Theater owner decides on one last-chance effort to save his theater from the bank: A singing competition for everyday folks. The winning characters include the Overworked Housewife, the Teen Dumped By Bad Boyfriend, the Shy One, the LivingContinue reading “Movie Review: Sing (2016)”

Movie Review: Yoga Hosers (2016)

Reviewed December 19, 2016 Well, that’s technically a movie. Kevin Smith makes a movie starring his daughter, Johnny Depp’s daughter, Depp himself, and a bunch of cameos. It’s…about outrageously Canadian teenage valley girls that have to fight Canadian Bratzies (seriously, it’s as descriptive a term as any), using the powers of yoga. I mean…wow. MyContinue reading “Movie Review: Yoga Hosers (2016)”

Movie Review: Rogue One (A Star Wars Story) (2016)

5/5 *Edit: Modern probably 4.5/5* Reviewed December 18, 2016 Disney is literally just printing money at this point. Star Wars got the Seven Samurai + Italian Job thriller that we didn’t know we desperately needed in our lives. Spoilers follow, message me if you want to discuss anything about the movie without spoiling it forContinue reading “Movie Review: Rogue One (A Star Wars Story) (2016)”

Movie Review: True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016)

Reviewed December 9, 2016 Netflix has really picked up their game in the popcorn flick department. Kevin James is a writer who is mistaken for an international hitman, and you can probably figure out the hijinks just based on that alone. Honestly, this was a fun movie to watch. the plot was generic, the actionContinue reading “Movie Review: True Memoirs of an International Assassin (2016)”

Movie Review: Footloose (1984)

Reviewed December 8, 2016 One of the classic 80s “teen” movies, it features Kevin Bacon playing the unlikeliest kid from Chicago ever moving to podunk nowhere – where the school has a gymnastics team – and finding out that the incredibly stuffy adult populace has issues with dancing because of a fatal car accident involvingContinue reading “Movie Review: Footloose (1984)”

Movie Review: Nightcrawler (2014)

4.5/5 Reviewed December 8, 2016 Dark and twisted tale of a man’s obsession with becoming a night crash/crime journalist. Jake Gyllenhaal is electric in this movie, acting like if Sheldon Cooper from BBT had no ethics or morality; the kind of performance where you want to punch the character in the face through the screen.Continue reading “Movie Review: Nightcrawler (2014)”

Movie Review: 3 Days to Kill (2014)

Reviewed December 6, 2016 Basically a movie like Crank, but much, much worse. Kevin Costner is a CIA spy who kicks ass but finds out he’s dying of cancer and retires to fix his family life before he dies. Gets given chance to do more missions for a possible cure, so has to do stuffContinue reading “Movie Review: 3 Days to Kill (2014)”

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