Movie Review: Deepwater Horizon (2016)

Reviewed October 16, 2016 Round two of the cinema double-feature finds us re-living the events of the worst oil disaster in this country’s history. It’s a bit strange watching this as a geologist that has some training with petroleum geology, because it does point out unsafe practices and also attitudes that you DO SEE onContinue reading “Movie Review: Deepwater Horizon (2016)”

Movie Review: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (2016)

Reviewed October 16, 2016 Did another double-feature at the cinema, and this dandy was first up. Fantasy movie about a now grown-up Ender (actor from Ender’s Game, Asa Butterfield) joining Tim Burton’s version of the X-Men, and Samuel L Jackson as possibly his hammiest role I’ve ever seen him in as the villain. Um…yeah. SpoilersContinue reading “Movie Review: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (2016)”

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